GIKI was a place of diverse experiences for me. When I stepped here some 4 years ago I knew very little about the world that existed beyond my own very little world. I discovered myself under the realm of these whitewashed edifices by corrupting the default settings of my existence. I learnt to seek true enlightenment by repudiating the so called gods of wisdom and intellect. I came to know amazing fellows from whom I learnt a lot, people who may lack charisma and glamour but yet are the most wonderful human beings I have ever come across. People who have the potential and caliber to do more that what these other vainglorious charismatic creeps can only brag about. I am also a witness to the vast changes occurred in these fenced lands, like I saw new structures appearing to provide the realization of the institute at it’s full, when GIKI graduates receive honors from other institutions. I also observed the gradual sophistication of GIKI’s own theatre scene. I was also there when Waqar lifted the winning trophy for his institution. like I said before, my 4 years at GIKI were phenomenal in nature.


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Alligator, Paltrow



I have known him for many years and have always been impressed by his wealth of knowledge. A talented person.


I have learnt a lot from him. His philosophy about life is far from orthodox. But still I love him. I love him the way he is.

Hammad Mazhar Saleem

Nabeel enjoys puns, double, rather triple or multiple meaning words & sentences. He has an intrinsic thirst for knowledge and I respect him for that. I’ve learnt many things from him and he probably doesn’t know about that.

Ali Arman

He has his own little world of mystic ideas – well, mystic may not be the right word – but definitely are different from the “usual”. You get to know much more about the philosophy behind even the “small things” if you get to spend some time in his company. I for one, treasured those moments spent with him indulging in those never ending discussions.


It’s really a bit despicable, that all people could say about him was literature. Excuse me, literature is just one part of the thousand other facets and interests of Nabeel. He is definitely nowhere near to being a mystic, or a mystery or anything like that. He taught me a lot, things that I forgot after being stranded on this small island called GIKI. Listening to an album repeatedly, until you can feel the mode in you, there is something in the world known as ART, if you’re in a glass building and hear smashing glass, DUCK! since he did just the opposite when one of the glass windows fell just feet away from him in our swimming pool.


How can I thank you for all those times you have been there for me and made such a difference. I will always remember you that … smile of yours, Nabeel bhai, open up a little more and you can do SO much more.


A very soft spoken and polite person. A person with a mature mind and a lot of knowledge.

Asim Hassan

As I prepare to leave this place I full realize my aims and I know how to go about it, though I have chosen a difficult path to keep a balance between my aims and my limitations.