Quizzes, mids, assignments, sleepless nights, sleepy days, the Thursday night movie, mess food ki burai, X-files in the common room, carom pe shartein jeetna, cafe kay baasi burgers, walks to the tuck shop, hikes to the hills and Indus, listening to and collecting MP3s (thanks to Techno for the use of his burner), watching movies over the LAN, starcrafters se 24 hrs SC ke strategies sunna, havin a whole army in my room for tea, tie days, making movies with my cam, lending my cam to others for them to try to capture their ‘bachis’, concerts, chatting all night (ahem ahem!!!), water fights in the hostel, feeling my room move coz of shabbo’s bass, badminton with Waseem, baptizations, hearing Ahsan being ‘tuned’ in chacha’s room, hearing Owais’ besuri singing and flute, Rahat bakers ke burgers that Owais brought for me from Islamabad, Owais not ever forgetting my birthday, enjoying the nature especially the rain at GIKI, the time when we went to the auditorium ke roof, saying ‘GIKI in sight’, and hearing ‘back to the hellhole’ at the first sight of GIKI when returning from the hols, hitting paper bombs to the people sitting in front of me in the PM class, staying up all nights gossiping about gals with Owais n Waseem n Khach, walks to the faculty house, tryin to be bold and starin at ‘some one’ a lil longer than required, people embarrassing me on my things-to-do list, lending out my Readers Digest and Time and Newsweeks, watching Mysterious mysteriously standing at the end of the corridor staring at nothing, pre-mid and pre-final pressure, ppl gathered in my room before a mid or a final, having a quiz, mid or the due date of an assignment postponed, me and sibbi playing carom, getting ‘naseehat our duaoon bharay’ letters from mom all on different kids of paper stubs, “is mail server up” and “why is the server down” broadcasts, ppl coming to avenger’s room asking “why isn’t the GH online right now”, weird dedications at basant festivals, first Quake then SC, repeated whois, cheap publicity stunts on IRC.
Reg #
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I saw him evolve from a selfish stubborn child to a caring and helping man!! (further improvement possible). Cares too much about his appearance, health, future and some human beings. I will miss your tea and exchange of comments between us PKD. Had it ever been possible, I would have married you, but I know you have rejected me for some BCLLB. Oh yeah! Your mentor always knows one more trick than you. MUHAHAHAHA
A sensible, cute and sincere friend … you make me want to be a better person.
He is a fine guy, one of the most caring people of our batch and one of the most innocent ones too. But somebody should tell him that bulls don’t give milk.
A very amicable person. Omair is very innocent and trustworthy. A person worth spending time with.
Very gentle, soft spoken and hard working person. Never broke anyone’s heart during his stay at GIKI.
Hardworking, gentle, one of my old friends, a person with true intentions for everyone and dainty sentiments for someone special.
A sensitive, trustworthy and caring friend. He’s one of those persons whom you would like to talk to anytime, on any subject.
You have to be the most over-dressed person I have seen. Can’t you teach Waseem to wear shoes too?
The ‘shy guy’ but not on IRC! Quite a gentleman though.
A “cutie pie” by popular demand! Actually it’s his camera that does the trick.
I have no idea how my life will turn out to be. But from what I’ve gained from GIKI, I can be dam sure it will be something me and my loved ones will always be proud of.