Reg #
94 / 4
A great friend and a good person on whom you can rely on. Though gets hyper but he is a child at heart.
A guy with body of Samson and mind of a child. But proves to be a real friend whenever needed. And a real customer of phone card companies.
Was never afraid of his size. A cute and charming person.
What can I say. He remained closer to me than any other person in the hostel. My Sir Jee!
A very sensitive friend who would stand by you in any situation.
A very helping fellow. I always enjoy his company. He is quite different from the traditional tharki guys.
A person with a heart of gold but with the brain of an infant. Surely, among the few sincere persons, whom I have discovered at GIKI. A very honest person and friendly brother.
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Like Ather brought color, Akif brought weight to FME.
I wish you good luck!
Sir Jee, a cool easy going man who must never be dared. Capable of anything.
My what a man.. Tum ne mera kaam nahi kia.
A cute person. Has got nice feelings for everybody. Though a little short tempered. Good natured man.
Nice, caring, thinking person. Best of luck!
A short tempered person.