Thank you all for dedicating your time in helping immortalize our memories of possibly the best times of our lives in this yearbook. We know that it is impossible to satisfy all critics (and we have quite a few of those in our batch), but let it be known, that the people responsible for composing and building this book have put in their best effort and many days and sleepless nights to produce this book to be the best possible in the limited funds, time and man-power at their disposal. We hope that you will take pride in showing it to your friends and family in the years to come, your wonder years in GIKI, the place where men were forged out of little boys.
Habib Ahmed
Dedicated to the memory of Waqar Basheer, Saadia Khan, Nasir Saleem Sheikh & Habib Ahmed – absent friends, never forgotten.
This website is a work in progress intended to be live while under construction. Please be patient as each section of the yearbook is digitized and uploaded. And keep coming back to check latest updates.
Individual Profile Pages
Our Photo Galleries
At the Hostel
At the Hostel
Pictures of what went on at the hostels
On Campus
On Campus
Pictures from the classrooms, cafe and rest of the grounds.
Festivities & Occasions
Festivities & Occasions
Commemorating all fairs, parties, events that happened on campus etc.
Trips & Excursions
Trips & Excursions
Memories from every time we went off campus together.